Working with work areas
To assign documents to a work area:
- Select the documents in the Main area that you want to assign to a work area.
- Right-click anywhere in the Navigation view except on a document or folder name and select Assign to Work Area. The Assign documents to work area dialog box appears.
- Select a work area and click Yes. The documents are assigned to the work area.
- When changes to the documents are complete, select Release from Work Area or Discard from Work Area on the Document menu or Document shortcut menu, accordingly.
If a system administrator has enabled work area transitions for a vault, you can route work area workflows using Web Access.
To route a work area workflow:
- Select the work area name from Work Area in the context bar. The work area opens and the documents it contains are listed.
- Right-click anywhere in the Navigation view except on a document or folder name and select the work area transition you want to run from the Selection shortcut menu. The Run Work Area Transition dialog box appears.
- Click Yes to run the transition. Click No to abort the transition. If the work area’s workflow is not yet complete, the work area’s new status appears in the context bar.